On the Candidate form, the tab labeled Personal History Statements is renamed to Cases.
Added a task management function associated with cases.
Ability to add a neighbor and assign it to one of the existing residences.
Ability for the investigator to add all forms of references.
PHS now prints out the approximate date, general location, and issue when printing candidate explanations for Yes responses (how did we go so long without this?)
Added several predefined queries for Tasks.
A large number of formatting and content changes to the Contact Report.
For Residences and Employment, candidates may now leave the “TO:” field blank if they residence or employment is current.
Mobile phone number added to the Narrative Summary Report.
Date Certified/Submitted added to the available display columns in the Case Search query.
Added ability for multiple contacts per Employer. The associated contacts appear with the Employer on the Contacts Report.
Added Task Report under the Report menu on the PHS dashboard.
Defects Addressed:
Employment did not sort correctly when presented on the PHS printout or Contact Report.
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