You don't need to enter much information to start your investigation. Once entered, just "invite" the candidate and the process is started.

The investigation launch window is the hub of an investigation. All investigation details can be easily access from here.

This is an excerpt from the Candidate profile screen

This is the main screen. The top pane displays your most recently updated candidates. This middle pane displays system notifications to alert you of activities. The third pane displays the people you are still waiting on to complete a questionnaire.

The case exams list displays the examination status for all open investigations.

This is a typical window for entering narrative text on an investigative topic.

Once a candidate has submitted the personal history statement, the investigator can instantly view the "concerns" list. These are all of the questions to which the candidate answered Yes and require further review.

The Case Aging report shows your open investigations from oldest to youngest and like any aging report, it identifies investigations that may have stalled for some reason.

The Monthly Case Statistics show the number cases opened and closed in for the previous twelve months.