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Build 33.0

New Features:

  1. A Manager can now add a list of Investigators to any candidate to prohibit those investigators from viewing that candidate. A use case for this feature would be if you have an investigator in your department who knows a candidate and may have a conflict of interest in the outcome of the investigation. Note that only those in the Investigator role can be prohibited and only those in the manager role can manage prohibitions. This function is found on the Candidate window.


  1. On the Drug Use screen, questions DU-2, DU-3, DU-5, and DU-6 were not set to read-only for Managers or Investigators.


  1. Improved the logic for verifying work phone entry when the candidate validates the questionnaire.

  2. Removed the ability to delete a supplemental form from a document item. There is no need to ever do this and we found that candidates were inadvertently deleting the form documents.

  3. It was conceivably possible for an Investigator to revoke his or her own system access.

Database Changes:

  1. The column HideFrom was added to the Candidate table.

  2. The table LEMasterList was added and will be employed for an upcoming feature.

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